Numbers often speak louder than words. While many see statistics as figures on a spreadsheet, an astute business leader recognizes them as the heartbeat of their organization. 

Business Process Management (BPM) statistics, in particular, are the narrative of efficiency, innovation, and growth. They help to understand the state of things in different industries, the impact of BPM on daily operations, and ultimately drive your conviction on investing in a BPM tool.

Let’s uncover why these statistics are not just important but indispensable for any forward-thinking enterprise.

Statistics on the Growth of Business Process Management

Statistics on the Growth of Business Process Management

The global business process management market is booming due to the increasing need for businesses to digitize processes for better customer satisfaction, scalability, and productivity. This rising demand will drive BPM growth in different ways.

  1. According to Research and Markets, the global business process management market will grow to USD 61.17 billion in 2030 from USD 14.46 billion in 2022, reflecting a remarkable compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 19.9%. 
  2. ReportLinker says the top drivers leading BPM’s rapid growth rate are cloud-based solutions and BPM tools with artificial intelligence capabilities. 
  3. Statistics from Research and Markets show that cloud-based BPM tools will record the highest compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of more than 20% between 2022 and 2030.
  4. According to Mordor Intelligence, the robotic process automation (RPA) market size will grow at a CAGR of 29.70%, from USD 3.10 billion in 2023 to USD 11.37 billion by 2028.
  5. Gartner predicts that 69% of routine work done by managers will be entirely automated by 2024. 
  6. McKinsey Global Institute states that activities with the highest automation potential include predictable physical activities by 81% and data processing by 69%.

Statistics on Business Process Management Adoption Rates

Statistics on Business Process Management Adoption Rates

Several businesses have recognized the potential of business process management methodologies and tools and are actively integrating them into their operations. Various industries, from finance and healthcare to manufacturing and beyond, have adopted BPM to break down traditional barriers and reshape work. 

Here’s how businesses are adopting BPM:

  1. According to Fortune Business Insights, banking, financial services, and insurance (BFSI) companies have the highest BPM adoption rate, with a market size of 35.6%.
  2. According to McKinsey Global Institute, 60% of all occupations across different sectors have at least 30% of work activities that can be fully automated with business process management. 
  3. A study conducted by Research Nester reveals that 74% of businesses say their organization’s interest in BPM has increased, and 70% use at least one application to model processes, while 63% use one or two BPM tools to manage tasks.
  4. Formstack says that 76% of businesses use automation to standardize or automate their daily workflows, 58% use automation for data/reporting for planning, and 36% for regulation or compliance purposes.
  5. According to Workato, 94% of business professionals at enterprise organizations say they would rather use a unified BPM tool that integrates their applications than rely on several systems.
  6. Statistics from Frevvo show that 83% of marketing departments automate social media posting, 75% automate email marketing, 58% automate social media advertising, and 36% automate social media engagement.
  7. Gartner predicts that by 2025, features like low-code technology will be responsible for more than 70% of process management applications, up from less than 25% in 2020. 

Statistics on Return on Investment 

Statistics on Return on Investment 

Implementing business process management isn’t just a procedural upgrade; it’s a strategic move that can significantly impact a company’s bottom line. Integrating BPM tools yields a substantial return on investment (ROI), often becoming a driving factor behind its adoption.

In other words, BPM initiatives can lead to remarkable ROI figures and here are the stats:

  1. Gartner surveyed the BPM experiences of its clients and found that 80% of companies with BPM projects will experience an internal ROI higher than 15%. Of the 20 clients who responded to Gartner’s survey, 55% had ROI per BPM project in the $100,000 to $500,000 range.
  2. According to Cflowapps, automating business processes saves organizations an average of $51,000 annually.  
  3. Cflowapps also states that companies that invest in employee BPM training programs are 2.1 times more likely to increase their ROI than those that don’t.  
  4. According to BPM Trends, 70% of business executives say business process management helps them achieve their goals. 

If you’re curious about how BPM can skyrocket your return on investment, book a call with a  business process management consultant. A BPM consultant can create a tailored BPM strategy that maximizes your returns.

Statistics of BPM’s Impact on Efficiency and Productivity

Statistics of BPM’s Impact on Efficiency and Productivity

Efficiency and productivity are the cornerstone of any successful business, and here’s how BPM is driving both:

  1. A survey conducted by Work Insight Reports indicates that 70% of business leaders spend over 40% of their core time on mundane tasks, while 71% of employees are wasting almost 20% of their work time similarly. 
  2. BPM tools successfully automate tasks, particularly reducing manual errors by 48%, increasing task completion speed by 42%, and improving the quality of work product by 38%, according to a Work Insight Report. This can save employees 240 hours and business leaders 360 hours yearly.
  3. According to the NIST Manufacturing Extension Partnership, BPM increases productivity by 50%, reduces cycle time by 90%, and improves quality by 80%.
  4. Forrester says that BPM projects deliver 30-50% productivity gains for processes involving primarily back office staff and typically deliver 15-30% productivity gains for processes involving knowledge workers.
  5. The business processes that had the most significant impact from BPM were operational processes at 58.2%, customer support processes at 54.3%, and administrative operations at 53.9%, says BPM-D
  6. According to a whitepaper report from Spotler, 55% of businesses say that their marketing automation tool helps them to generate more leads, and three-quarters of companies say that automated landing pages are effective at lead generation.
  7. A report from McKinsey Global Institute described BPM’s impact based on industry, with the manufacturing industry saving billions of hours in time by automating 64% of their tasks.

These statistics prove that you can achieve higher output levels, efficiency, and productivity with business process management.

Statistics of BPM’s Impact on User Experience and Satisfaction

Statistics of BPM’s Impact on User Experience and Satisfaction

Business process management tools eliminate redundant process execution steps, leading to quicker task completion and smoother interactions, whether it’s a customer accessing support or an employee submitting a request. 

Here are some statistics on how BPM is enhancing user experience:

  1. Research by Dan Dumitriu showed that 74% of the companies implementing BPM to improve staff satisfaction reported a positive impact on their business. BPM software specifically helps reduce the employee onboarding process by half and increase the employee retention rate by 58%.
  2. Workato predicts that over the next two years, 64% of business professionals at enterprise organizations will build automation features that focus on improving the employee experience. 
  3. Dan Dumitriu’s research also showed that 78% of organizations that introduced BPM to improve client interactions also recorded positive impacts on their business performance. 
  4. According to BPM Trends, 72% of business executives in Europe attribute the effort of business process management to their improved customer satisfaction rate.

Final Thoughts

The compelling statistics discussed underscore the undeniable benefits of integrating business process management into your organizational framework. From substantial ROI and increased efficiency to enhanced experience and customer satisfaction, BPM offers a transformative path to success in today’s dynamic business landscape.

As you embark on your journey towards adopting BPM, remember that these statistics are not just numbers on a page – they represent real opportunities for growth, innovation, and improved operations. To fully harness the potential of BPM for your unique needs, book a consultation call with one of our business process management consultants. We will help you unlock the power of BPM and drive your business toward greater heights.