Strategies for Making a Budget, If your business has struggled to survive the pandemic thus far, you’re not alone. Making it this far is a sign of success, but now that states are beginning to reopen, you might need to change your approach yet again to keep up with trends and ensure your customers still feel safe. It’s not easy coming up with ways to reassure your customers and boost your sales, but the ideas below can help your business make a successful comeback.
Identify What’s Working
Given that the pandemic has been going on for a few months now, you’ve probably already found a few approaches that have been successful. However, as you think about reopening, it’s important to pause and check that you’re prioritizing the right things. If any areas of your business are struggling to stay organized and meet goals, but you don’t know what you can do differently, turn to business system consulting with Automated Dreams.
Offer New Discounts and Specials
After being closed for an extended period of time, it might be more challenging than ever to win back your old customer base. Even if you switched to an alternative method of selling products or services — such as online consultations or curbside pickup — it might take extra work to get customers and clients to return.
A good way to grab your customers’ attention is to offer a special or hold a sale. ThriveHive explains there are numerous ways to have special offers, such as holding a BOGO sale, offering free shipping, or holding a contest with a gift card, free product, or shopping spree as a reward. Sales like these can be advertised through your existing channels such as social media, email blasts or online ads, allowing you to stay within your current budget.
Having your offers available for a limited time only is an effective way to make them even more enticing. When writing your offers, phrases such as “act now” or “while supplies last”, will encourage shoppers to act immediately rather than letting a good deal pass them by.
As you’re coming up with ideas, keep in mind that your tone should remain empathetic and helpful. Pushing sales too hard can actually backfire by giving your customers the impression you’re trying to profit from a crisis. Always keep ethical sales tactics in the forefront these times.
Offer Safe Shopping Options
In addition to communicating with empathy, you can address your customers’ concerns by prioritizing their safety. Offering an online shopping option is an obvious choice. When customers who are wary of going out in public have the ability to place an online order, they can still support you without feeling unsafe.
If you don’t already have a website capable of allowing online orders, it’s worth redesigning or updating your website. This requires a bit of an investment, but it’s worth it if you can win customers by making them feel safe. Although projects like redesigning a website can be expensive, you can get funding from numerous sources during the pandemic. SBA Express Bridge Loans and The Main Street Lending Program are two options worth researching.
In addition to promoting online orders, you might also consider offering special hours for vulnerable shoppers. Looking at what other retailers are doing for their special shopping hours can provide inspiration when developing your own policies. Not only will this change help customers feel safe, but it also doesn’t cost anything to adopt a new policy such as this.
Aside from changing your hours and promoting online orders, you can make customers feel safe simply by upping your cleaning efforts. Likewise, providing disposable wipes or hand sanitizer can reassure your customers as they use carts or pull door handles in your business.
Making your customers feel safe is of the utmost importance when reopening your business. Fortunately, many methods for reassuring your customers and drawing them back in are cost-effective. However, it’s still worth investing in things that can take your business to the next level, such as consulting with an expert or making a seamless online experience for your customers.
Guest Blog Contributor
Naomi Johnson,
If any areas of your business are struggling to stay organized and meet goals, but you don’t know what you can do differently, turn to business system consulting with Automated Dreams.